Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Return of the Podcast

It's back!
The podcast (or quizcast if you prefer) returns with the highlights of the quiz! This one's from the first ever quiz in July.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Project Genesis 2

Project Genesis returns with this sexy little number: 2. That's right, it's a sequel! Like in Star Wars or Toy Story. But better.
This time round there's more music and fewer technical mistakes! (Possibly)
Catch it every Wednesday between 7 and 9 pm only on GFM.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Six Months of Breakfast

So the Breakfast Show made it to six months! And with this came the new phenomenon that is Brekkie Cam, the Breakfast Show's very own webcam. Watch out for it on the blog on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 8 and 10 am. Here are some pictures of Allan and me enjoying the six month party we had.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The Charlie Taylor Podcast 30/09/10

And here we are. The final Project Genesis podcast. This week sees the lovely Rachel in the guest's chair. Surely we can't do the cracker challenge, spelling bee and lyrics competition all in one show? Yes we can. And don't call me Shirley.

The Charlie Taylor Podcast 16/09/10 Pt III

Wow! Three parts of this wonderful podcast! Insert in ears and get lost in the magical and mysterious night that was Wells Night Out On The Town. Armed with only a desert survival kit and a microphone I braved the streets of Wells when Britain's Got Talent stars* visited and performed** in Wells. What you'll hear in this podcast are the many clips from the night, and the reaction of the guests in the studio.

**Went on stage

Monday 22 November 2010

The Charlie Taylor Podcast 16/09/10 Pt II

To go with this FANTASTIC podcast here's a piccy of me working for the BBC in Bridgwater fund raising for Children In Need.

This is the second part of the quiz started in the last podcast.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Update 11/11/10

Hello everyone. Another update: Thanks very much for all the support on the Breakfast Show, I'm really enjoying it and appreciate all the messages. As for other things the gfm website is now up and running and I'm working hard on keeping it up to date. On Friday 5th November I got absolutely soaked in Bridgwater looking after Pudsey on the BBC Somerset bus, but it was great fun nonetheless! I also did my first day at the studios as a Broadcast Assistant which was great - it makes great radio seem like great television as I can watch the presenter and guests through a thick, soundproof window from my seat. Make sure you tune in to gfm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8 - 10 am 107.1 fm or www.glastonburyfm.co.uk for my Breakfast Show, and now make sure you listen to Simon Parkin and Emma Britton on BBC Somerset 95.5 fm or www.bbc.co.uk/somerset on Saturday mornings - you won't hear me on air but I'm behind the scenes working hard!

Friday 22 October 2010

Podcast 16/09/10 Part 1

Here's the first part of the BRILLIANT show that was aired on Glastonbury FM on the 16/09/10. Well worth a listen. If you want you can download it from iTunes, search for "The Charlie Taylor Podcast" in the iTunes Store and subscribe!


Afternoon one and all. I thought I would keep you up to date with what's happening at Team Charlie HQ. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are Breakfast Show days, and that's going swimmingly. As of 6th November and every Saturday thereafter I will be volunteering for BBC Somerset on their Breakfast and Morning Shows. On the 5th of November I'm parading round the streets of lovely Bridgwater handing out BBC Somerset stickers in the Carnival. On the 19th of November I'm back in Bridgwater doing I'm not sure exactly what but something for BBC Somerset and BBC Radio Bristol seem to be showing a small (very) amount of interest in making me a fill-in Broadcast Assistant on the station. Update over.