Thursday 11 November 2010

Update 11/11/10

Hello everyone. Another update: Thanks very much for all the support on the Breakfast Show, I'm really enjoying it and appreciate all the messages. As for other things the gfm website is now up and running and I'm working hard on keeping it up to date. On Friday 5th November I got absolutely soaked in Bridgwater looking after Pudsey on the BBC Somerset bus, but it was great fun nonetheless! I also did my first day at the studios as a Broadcast Assistant which was great - it makes great radio seem like great television as I can watch the presenter and guests through a thick, soundproof window from my seat. Make sure you tune in to gfm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8 - 10 am 107.1 fm or for my Breakfast Show, and now make sure you listen to Simon Parkin and Emma Britton on BBC Somerset 95.5 fm or on Saturday mornings - you won't hear me on air but I'm behind the scenes working hard!

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